Monthly Newsletters
All Saints' Episcopal Church
282 Bound Line Road P.O. Box 6015
Wolcott, Connecticut 06716
Church Office Telephone: 203-879-2800
Priestly Perusings
The past nine and a half years at All Saints’ has been for me a time of great joy. This is a wonderful parish –
one of the healthiest in ECCT in all sorts of ways. That is the reason we received an award this year for our
timely attention to our ministry in the local community and in the Episcopal Diocese of CT. I know that the
ministries which make up the community of All Saints’ will continue to flourish in the years to come, and I am
proud and pleased to have been a part of that for a time. Your wardens and vestry are the best! Please know that
I love you all and pray for the very best for you in the years to come. There are important policies which must
be observed and obeyed as we all move forward into the new life God has prepared for us. Please do not ask me
to return for any reason for at least a year (the fact that I will be living more than a thousand miles away makes
that fairly easy). Please don’t call me and ask where the supply of paper clips (or whatever) is. Please welcome
and love your new priest (whoever that turns out to be) as you so graciously welcomed and shared your
abundant love with me. Finally, I think this passage from the writings of Thomas Merton is appropriate for all
of us (at any stage of life). I commend it to your prayers:
My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for
certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think that I am following your
will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact
please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart
from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road though I may know
nothing about it. Therefore will I trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of
death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.
CAMP WASHINGTON is offering a number of attractive activities in this, their 102nd year, in addition to
summer camp opportunities for children and youth. Please see the bulletin board for information. Registration
for summer camp sessions is online, and information is available in the church office and on the bulletin board.
THE NORTHWEST REGION ECCT CONVOCATION will take place on Saturday, June 22, 10 AM – 3
PM at Trinity Retreat Center in Cornwall. Please join us to "renew and revive" at the 2019 Northwest
Region convocation. Combining elements of our Episcopal liturgy with retreat and revival themes, we invite
you to participate in this day of Christian spiritual refreshment. With lively music, prayer, scripture,
companionship, and testimonials, we will endeavor to enrich each other's faith and strengthen our Christian
community. We will enjoy all of this in the tranquil and uplifting setting of Trinity Retreat Center in Cornwall.
Morning snacks and lunch will be provided. There will be no heavy business agenda. Instead, this is a time to
In addition, we will also say goodbye to our Northwest Region Missionary, Eliza Marth, who will be leaving
her position at the end of the month. Please come to thank her for her ministry and to wish her well on her
journey with Christ.
Registration is online. Information is on the bulletin board.
and to college graduate NICHOLAS MASTROPIETRO, as they begin the next steps in their life’s journey.
THANKS TO OUR CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS: Thank you to all those who have served in this
important ministry during the past year – Donna Lydem, Joelle Lamontagne, Rose Lombardi, who served
our growing and thriving Toddler Class; and to Jackie Pineau, Michelle Byram, and Debbie Price, who team-
taught the older group, which includes the Confirmation Class. After the June 9 picnic and close of the
Church School year Church School classes will resume in the fall.
at the next Bishop’s Visitation. We have not yet received the date for the next Bishop’s Visitation, but we
anticipate that to be in the fall. More information will be forthcoming, as time progresses. Young people who
have been preparing for Confirmation in Church School are well prepared. The next Priest in Charge will
determine what particular additions he or she would like to make and make available an Inquirer’s Class for
adults who wish to prepare for those rites.
important ministry during the past year – Donna Lydem, Joelle Lamontagne, Rose Lombardi, who served
our growing and thriving Toddler Class; and to Jackie Pineau, Michelle Byram, and Debbie Price, who team-
taught the older group, which includes the Confirmation Class. After the June 9 picnic and close of the
Church School year Church School classes will resume in the fall.
at the next Bishop’s Visitation. We have not yet received the date for the next Bishop’s Visitation, but we
anticipate that to be in the fall. More information will be forthcoming, as time progresses. Young people who
have been preparing for Confirmation in Church School are well prepared. The next Priest in Charge will
determine what particular additions he or she would like to make and make available an Inquirer’s Class for
adults who wish to prepare for those rites.
older teens are graduating and moving off to college, and, while we have a large number of infants and toddlers,
we do not have a lot of kids in the middle school-and-up age, so we are seeking teens and adults who are not
yet involved in these important forms of stewardship of time and talent and service to the Church. Summer is a
great time to train for these important ministries in the Church.
take place this year on Saturday, Oct. 26 and SUNDAY, Oct. 27 at the Connecticut Convention Center in
Hartford. An ECCT-wide worship will take place at 11 AM on Sunday morning, when the preacher will be
the Rt. Rev. Barbara Harris, the first woman to be consecrated a bishop in the Anglican Communion. Plan now
to attend this very special worship opportunity!
THE BLESSING OF A PREGNANT WOMAN was offered on Sunday, June 2, for Kristin Lopez and the
child whom she is expecting. The Prayers of the People will include prayers for Kristin, John, and big sister
Hazel Mae until the new baby arrives.
JUNE 2019
This is my second article intended to inform all parishioners of the discussions at our vestry meetings and other
happenings and points of interest in our parish.
First, the vestry will be meeting with the Reverend Lee Ann Tolzmann, Canon for Mission Leadership, on June
13 th to discuss our future due to the retirement of Mother Davidson. This process, with her direction and God’s
help, will hopefully direct us to the calling of a new priest for All Saints’. During this time, we will no doubt
be having a supply priest on Sundays or even Morning Prayer if necessary. Please see me or any vestry member
with your questions or concerns as we move forward in this process.
Many thanks to our treasurer, Mike DeNegris, for attending the Spring Training Workshop in April. All Saints’
achieved all available “Financial Merit Badges” and was one of under 25 parishes (out of 161 parishes) to
achieve this award. The merit badges were:
- Parochial Report Badge – successful filings by the required due date
- Gold Watch Badge – making all timely pension or proper clergy filings
- Ten Percenter Badge – Perpetually makings our 10% payments to Common Mission Support
- Green Eyeshade Badge – successful filings of audit reports by September of each year
- Pink Pig Badge – making less than 25% net draws on investment for 3 years
- Fin Comm Badge – allowing the ECCT to oversee our Donations & Bequests accounts
- Clipboard Badge – All Saints volunteering to file parish surveys
- The treasurer reported that the 2018 audit figures will be submitted to the independent outside auditor in June. The audit report is due ECCT by the September 1, 2019 due date.
- Discussion by the Junior Warden to possibly change all existing thermostats in the church to digital thermostats (tabled until the September vestry meeting), the thought being that we might have better control over oil usage.
- No other information to report.
Henry Curtiss
Senior Warden
The 20 th Annual All Saints’ Golf Tournament (yes – 20!) will be held this year on Saturday, September 7, at the
Timberlin Golf Course in Berlin, CT. Proceeds generated from the tournament are used to provide various
items or activities that some Wolcott school children may otherwise not be able to afford. We work closely with
a School District Social Worker who is assigned to assess and determine a student’s specific need. Some
examples are that we have helped students attend Summer School, go on class trips, and to obtain various
needed articles and supplies.
Last year we saw an increase in golfers playing, as well as an increase in individual and business donations.
This in turn enabled us to also make a sizeable donation to Crossroads, a local volunteer organization which is
active in combatting addiction problems and sponsoring healthy activities for our town’s youth.
To ensure a successful tourney this year we are asking for help with the following:
GOLFERS – If you can play golf, please join us. The “scramble” format used allows any skill level golfer to
BANQUET & RAFFLE – Immediately following the tournament, both golfers and non-golfers are invited to
attend this great buffet & fun event.
RAFFLE DONATIONS – You need not attend the event to donate a prize for the raffle table.
SPONSORS – Either be a sponsor yourself or obtain a sponsor donation from an organization or business you
know or may be associated with.
Further details regarding the tournament will be forthcoming in the next newsletter, however, if you would like
some information regarding any of the above items, please feel free to contact any of the golf committee
members: Red Smith, Henry Curtiss, Gary Byram, Phil Mazur, or Peter Marcisz.
This year there are 4 recipients of the All Saints’ Scholarship! Three high school graduates will each receive
scholarships of $250.00 and one at $125.00. The recipients are as follows:
- Hayley Conroy
- Jeffrey Dobensky
- Hannah Leonetti
- Taylor Richard
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